
Thread: London riots

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  1. Re: London riots 
    Platinum Member
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    Mar 2011
    High unemployment / redundancy, high cost of food, fuel in general, motoring - Government p!ssing money away to countries we have nothing to do with even though we must be in the verge of bankrupcy ourselves -


    It gives them some excitement in their lifes,[s] keeps them off the streets and gives them a brand new telly.[/s]

    They have nothing better to do? A tinderbox situation... Croydon had like 28 coppers avalaible last night & what the hell were they expected to do??! Get lynched??

    Agreed a massive show of force would persuade them not to do the same again tomorrow night - get the army back here and give them some Big Sticks... its better than fighting roadside bombs.

  2. Re: London riots 
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    I'll have a flat screen TV and a pair of trainers thanks
    Everything else is shyte

  3. Re: London riots 
    Diamond Member Kevinb's Avatar
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    Oct 2006
    Just shoot them they are no use to society. If they get caught they get a slap on the hand or a couple of months in prison at our expense. If they shoot them. Job done. Innocent people won't have to worry about being burnt alive.
    None of this is about the current position the country is in just them getting there jollies from destroying, stealing and creating mayhem.


  4. Re: London riots 
    PR Officer Nelly's Avatar
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    Jan 2009
    Terrible state for our country to get into. I just heard someone say it's political protest. Is it hell!
    These scotes are just tearing around nicking what the bloody hell they want, destroying businesses, homes, property and lives. This half-arsed government and successive governments have it made it all possible by being utterly spineless and letting Brussels and the namby pamby liberal do gooders have the sodding way all the time. A sad time indeed when thugs can roam the streets at night taking what they want, beating the crap out of people and robbing from injured people with little or no fear of ever being stopped. Unbelievably, at the same time all this is happening, the same weak wristed so-called government are going to huge lengths to get us to wear high viz!!!!! What the hell happened to common sense?????
    I gotta stop now because i am beginning to rant.... > > > > >
    "the empty can rattles the most!"

  5. Re: London riots 
    Active Member
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    Apr 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by roxychick

    Send in the armed forces to back up the police and fire fighters, use water canons etc to stop it all.

    Sorry but no.

    The Armed Forces are on a pay freeze, facing redundancies and massive cuts and currently engaged in two major overseas operations. We/They already had to step up and cover for the fire strikes - meaning added time away from home and families, doing a job with poor equipment before returning overseas to continue the "day job" on operations. Many of the Army lads who covered the fire strikes were earning less than the Firemen they were covering for.

    If we don't have enough policemen on the streets then we need more policemen, not to further burden other public servants.

  6. Re: London riots 
    Senior Member
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    Mar 2010

  7. Re: London riots 
    Heard an interesting interview with a Turkish restaurant owner on R2 today.
    He and the other Turkish businessmen in his area banded together to protect their shops/restaurants.
    The mob aproached them and said they only wanted to target the blue chip companies like Nandos and Vodaphone (Nandos is a franchise so effectively a pivate business)
    They stood their ground until someone broke a window, then they charged. The brave mob crapped themselves and legged it even though they out numbered the shop owners.

    I've spent a lot of time in Turkey and you quickly realise that although friendly, if you threaten a Turks livelyhood you're gonna lose a f*cking arm.

    Sometimes you need to fight fire with fire.......but not if you're a fireman.

  8. Re: London riots 
    PR Officer Nelly's Avatar
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    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by dan_geoghegan
    Heard an interesting interview with a Turkish restaurant owner on R2 today.
    He and the other Turkish businessmen in his area banded together to protect their shops/restaurants.
    The mob aproached them and said they only wanted to target the blue chip companies like Nandos and Vodaphone (Nandos is a franchise so effectively a pivate business)
    They stood their ground until someone broke a window, then they charged. The brave mob crapped themselves and legged it even though they out numbered the shop owners.

    I've spent a lot of time in Turkey and you quickly realise that although friendly, if you threaten a Turks livelyhood you're gonna lose a f*cking arm.

    Sometimes you need to fight fire with fire.......but not if you're a fireman.
    I think there will be more of this if the situation carries on...
    "the empty can rattles the most!"

  9. Re: London riots 
    Active Member
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    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Squashed_Fly
    [quote author=Jon_W link=1312843386/5#5 date=1312871843][quote author=470four link=1312843386/4#4 date=1312870843]Seconded... we have become an Anarchy state - in Europe etc they would be out there with gas & batons knocking heads together, we are apparently too scared of more retribution to do anything about our major cities running riot??!

    Our children are in a lot of cases undisciplined, overeducated & too lazy to work - why should they when we have the dole??

    "Hey, dont smash that window or we will send you to a remand centre for 3 months where you can smoke weed and play x-box all day!"

    "Mr Jones grabbed my arm too hard because I threw something at his head, look - a slight red mark! How dare he!"

    Save me... take me back a decade or two when we all had discipline & something to fear, I was terrified of my parents & the Police! Now we are turning into some sort of laughing-stock emergency bank for countrys nothing to do with us??

    Totally agree.[/quote]



    The same old pathetic excuses are trotted out too, no jobs for young men - bollox loads of jobs, plenty of grafters from eastern europe have no problem finding reasonably well paid work in the Smoke.

    Bunch of chancers, scroungers and looters rioting again in Bristol last night - get the rubber rounds on them, and the paint guns.

    As Wilts-Builder said heard the R2 interview with the Turks, fair play to them. I reckon lots of businesses with also be hiring heavies to send these scroates away.

  10. Re: London riots 
    Diamond Member Scotty's Avatar
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    Fawley, New Forest
    Are they all really that bothered about a bloke the coppers shot? I don't think so...

    The old bill should quit pussyfooting around, bring out the baton rounds and the water cannon, and the following morning haul all those they've arrested back to the scene, all wearing orange Guantanamo suits and chained together, and make them clear it all up in full view of the public...

    What do the scrotes have to be afraid of? They're letting baby-killers out after a couple of years nowadays and besides, going inside isn't much of a punishment now is it? Three square meals a day, clean conditions, round-the-clock Sky TV and all the computer games (and drugs) they could want...
    Racing is life, anything before or after is just waiting.
    Steve McQueen

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