We had a revolution, it was called a general election.

This country was bordering on bankruptcy and is hughly in debt. We are currently paying 120 millions pounds a day in interest due to the current deficit.

I'm all for a fair society, but how is it fair that a person who has never done a days work, their parents have never done a days work and their parents parents have never done a days work, and has never ever contributed to society, has a better standard of living than someone who has worked their whole working life. This is not an exception to the rule. I go to houses were not a single member of the household works, yet there is a 50 inch plasma tv, plush leather sofas, a decent car, various gadgets and gizmos, they all smoke, drink, someetimes as early as 9.30 in the morning, (hardly employable), and have about 5 different pets. Everytime a fridge, washing machine etc etc breaks down it gets replaced by the tax payer. Housing is provided yet the house is treated like a pig sty and has to be repaired by the tax payer again.

Until you redress the balance of the benefits of not working against the benefits of working, a lot of people are going to take the easy option.

Its not that the minimum wage is too low, (at the end of the day you should cut you cloth accordingly) its that its too easy to have a comfortable lifestyle without working.