...shortly followed by the rest of my body Angry

Going up Lyneham Banks on the first left hand bend, came up to it hugging the white line, turned in, felt the peg touch down, thought "cool cool", shortly followed by my knee, thought "oh, this isn't normal", followed directly by my shoulder and me sliding on my belly along the tarmac. Bike lowsided and slid along the road into the verge opposite, while I went on my merry way - Superman style - without it.

First thought that crossed my mind other than "I'm sliding" was "oh crap, not this close to the wedding".

The crash bung took the brunt of the damage, got a small mark to the rear cowl, some marks on the engine case and bar end, and one broken indicator. Could have been a lot worse... Put a nice hole in the knee of my textiles, it's harder than you think to keep a bike up on your knee Thumbs a bit sore, other than that I'm unscathed.

No idea why it happened, was a bit muddy out, bu I was past that...