
I just wondered if anyone on here used Rukka Goretex Clothing and has done heavily whether for a year, 6 months heavy use or just, well since they started riding?

Today my cheap £69.99 Frank Thomas trousers leaked so much I had to justify at work, for the entire afternoon just the reason why my grey trousers were two toned specifically around my crotch.. the jokes poured in!

Anyway, I have always been keen on the look of the Rukka gear and what it offered, now I am in a position to have it as an option, some call it over priced, some call it unjustifiable...I call it both!

I have been looking at the:

Rukka Athos Jacket

and the:

Rukka Focus Trousers

I ride almost 365 days a year, this past winter caught me out and only managed to ride 361... snow & ice just aren't worth it!

I use my bike for commuting, the weekends and also I have just started taking short breaks and the South and Wales. I am also in the planning of a multi country trip next year after my Spain trip plan fell through because of the other half's new job > I ride a lot, for example this past month I have racked up over 5,300 miles alone... and it just keeps ticking over... my commute is only 500 miles a month...

So, if you use it, know anything about it both GOOD or BAD, please let me know!!

I have searched google a lot, just wanted more information!

I hope this is the right section??


Ash 8-)