I'm sure no-one is intending to be patronising.
You are perfectly entitled to make the lifestyle choices you want.
The point has already been made that not all comments were aimed at your personally but to make sure lurkers get a balanced view.

Saving is a great concept, rovided you can afford to do it, like everything else.
At the risk of repeating myself the point of a deposit (as well as reduced LTV) is to prove you can afford home ownership.
There are costs with ownership that renters don't have. As an example buildings insurance is a mandatory contractual requirement of a mortgage (the lender does want their money if the house burns down).
If someone can't save from a position of renting then there is a question mark over the affordability of home ownership because where will you find the money for the extra costs you don't currently have?
For people living at home it's even worse than for renters.

I don't have any comment on your lifestyle, but if you can't afford everything you want then like the rest of us you either have to wait or you have to choose.
I personally put off a bike purchase last year, because I preferred to pay down my mortgage. I feel happier than way and when I was at risk of redundancy in May I was glad I had less debt. We all make those choices and it's a personal matter.
A fancy scheme will not ultimately magically make you be able to afford more. In fact accelerating buying things you can't afford through normal channels usually costs more long term and is occassionally disastrous.

1st time buyers everywhere are struggling
What do you think would happen if first time buyers didn't buy?
I think prices would come down.
However those in the buisiness don't want that, so they invent fancy schemes to keep it all going.

I have no idea if this scheme is right for your personal situation, but I would encourage you to get a second opinion and to work out your up-front costs and on-going costs related to home ownership.