18. Braking. Who still uses their rear brake as their main brake? Believe it or not, a lot of people still do. The rear brake is great for slow speed riding, as it eliminates front end dive, allowing you to keep your balance when stopping or riding slowly. But at higher speeds, the very fact that the weight shifts onto the front tyre, means that the front brake is the main brake. By having the weight transfer onto the front tyre, the tyre 'digs in' and gives you more grip, which in turn allows you to squeeze more front brake. The more you squeeze, the more weight transfers, allowing you to squeeze more. Braking should always be a 'squeeze', not a snatch. The snatch can cause a wheel to lock very easily, because the front tyre and suspension are overwhelmed suddenly, causing a 'rebound' affect. So, keep the front brake for proper braking from any kind of speed, and rear just for low speeds (sub 20mph).