So. Today I finally got the ZXR back on the road. It's been in my garage since last September, laid up, unwashed, untouched, unloved but missed like hell.

On Wednesday, myself and one of my friends did the head gasket on the bike, so I thought I'd take a couple of photos of the 400 without an engine.

Ian with the engine - isn't that sweet, it's so diddy.

Some excellent news - I do have the high compression pistons I believed to be in there, so now it's not just speculation based on performance.

Breakfast time, at half five in the afternoon.

Rode her to work and back today (Yatesbury to Ogbourne St. Andrew), and she feels fine. The chain was too tight after I put the back wheel back on in a rush today, and the idle adjust screw wasn't even acting on the carbs, so it tended to stall, but that's a tweak to adjust, and I redid the chain tension again this evening, hopefully that'll be much better.

Did however have to get a bump start from a tatooed YZF rider in Fyfield station this afternoon, after discovering that there was no idle setting and stalling at the pump. If you're on here, thanks muchly!