Recently sold a Frank Thomas leather jacket on Ebay, it was hardly used cost over £100.
I set the start price for £50, it sold for... £50.00 !
Not happy, but at least the guy who bought got a real bargain and was well chuffed.

But... have just bought a Dainese Two Piece leather jacket on there and I received this morning.
It's exacly as I wanted, got a "used look" about it, which is great as hate looking just out of the shop.
Fits my mildly amusing shape and cost £62.00 ;D

Scroll down...

Not sure how good Dianese are, but it's a name I've seen about and cost (discounted new £279.00) and I love the Tribal stuff on it.
One well chuffed Gerry here [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

So Ebay - bad for selling (but better than shoving stuff in the loft) but can be [s]good[/s] great for buying !

PS: and it's got yellow bits on it which feeds my strange banana fetish