....and today it did.

I got my first ever puncture on any bike I've owned

God only knows how I avoided this pain in the ass for all these years but it caught up with me today.

Left home this morning for work and immediately the bike felt 'heavy' when turning. Just put it down to cold tyres and the like.

But it didn't get any better, pulled over to check on the Marlborough road but nothing was obvious to the Mk I eyeball so I just cracked on. Got to work and gave it another look and the tyre was clearly deflated and it seems it was a rogue nail in the middle of the rear tyre was the culprit.

Gave me some crazy moments on the ride to work anyway, which is a little bit of an understatement ;D

Got a new tyre fitted at Micheldever and found I could corner again....which is nice

Right...as you were ;D