As per the title I'm not being rude, ignorant etc but since my split I now have limited access to the internet etc and the site is useless on the IPhone. Hopefully I have managed to get messages back to all and will all being well be back online properly very soon - in the interim you know where I work [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

So just to give you all an update - yes i have had the hardest 2 months of my life with having to lose 2 dogs, split from the misses, lost most of my possesions and probably my home. so havea rather screwed head at the moment but as always i'm positive and looking to the future! [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

Prospective plans are to bugger off from swindon soon and live by a dive centre on the coast and get my qualifications asap and then leave this screwed up country for good. I will be having a BBQ/ party before I leave and all are welcome but need to get things squared up before this happens