
Thread: Shoreham Airshow Crash

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  1. Shoreham Airshow Crash 
    Active Member
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    I am stunned. As far as I know no member of the public has died in an accident at a British Air show since Farnborough in 1952 when 25 people died after a prototype jet crashed into the crowd. Since then our planes don't display over the crowd line. You know vintage aircraft are dangerous in the way that going to motorsports events are dangerous but you don't expect anything like this. I just cannot believe that here, with our safety record this can happen. My heart goes out to the families and friends of all the victims.

    I had fantastic ride today, went out on my modern Vespa 300 heading for a Steam Rally (I can carry a change of clothes, it's a lot more versatile than my Daytona) didn't bother reading the flier properly and found there was no steam rally at Kemble when I arrived, but there were a lot of cars in the layby opposite the airfield so I asked what was going on when I turned around to go home " The Vulcan is doing a fly by" I waited for half an hour for the Vulcan to appear. At about 3.40 she arrived from the direction of the M4 trailing brown smoke, she ran low across the old runway at what looked like 100s rather than 1000s of feet then turned to show the camouflaged top side. Rode home thinking things don't get much better than that, one of those sights that is going to live with you always. Then I see the news tonight. This has really knocked the stuffing out of me, I just can't believe carnage on that level could happen here, we are so careful. I am a through and through petrol head but old planes are my real passion. I hope this awful incident doesn't cause so sort of public knee jerk outrage
    Last edited by Julie_S; 23-08-15 at 01:21 AM. Reason: spellling

    Administrator BB's Avatar
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    Awful accident, my heart goes out to the families of those involved. RIP
    We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box.”

    Senior Member
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    Oct 2012
    I am an air show nut. I think questions will be asked why it's loop the loop was close or over a main road.

    Administrator Uber Dave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shiftyblake View Post
    I am an air show nut. I think questions will be asked why it's loop the loop was close or over a main road.
    Its either over the road on the way in and fly directly out to see or over built up areas with houses at Shoreham.

    Senior Member Vulcanboy's Avatar
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    Well, as my dad used to say ... " Always pick your landing spot, well before your engine fails or you get shot or shelled, 'cos you have not time to think about it on the way down..." ... his last flight was in a Spitfire aged 75 .... and he survived 3 air crashes! I guess, wrt this tragedy, the A27 looked better than the woods at 500 feet ... not a judgement, just an observation. . Richard
    It's not about my ears ... it's about my ride!

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