
Thread: Insurance for EU travel

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  1. Insurance for EU travel 
    Diamond Member Burbler's Avatar
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    The post-Brexit requirement for drivers from the UK to obtain a 'green card' from their insurance company before visiting Europe is set to be dropped after the European Commission agreed to waive the requirement.

    The announcement from the Commission on Thursday was part of a package of measures designed to diffuse tension over the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland, but will apply throughout the EU.

    The new rule will come into effect 20 days after the ruling is published in the EU’s official journal, which is expected to be in the next few days.

    This means that British visitors taking their cars when going on holidays or family visits to France, Germany, Spain etc will no longer be required to obtain extra paperwork from their car insurance companies ahead of their journey.

    Readers of a certain age will remember the ‘green cards’ – issued by the insurance company before a trip abroad. The internationally recognised card shows local law enforcement that the car is fully insured
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    Administrator BB's Avatar
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    I certainly remember them more recently Burbs, when we went to Morocco via Spain & France only a couple of years ago we had to have them as while we were leaving the the EU the EU said we needed them, then we didn't, then did, then didn't...
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    Platinum Member
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    Hiding in your blindspot
    Was compulsory in the 90's, been working in Belgium for 3 years now, so this is good news, as i hadn't bothered so far

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