
Thread: Anybody else....

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  1. Anybody else.... 
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Getting a bit Vyvyan ?

    Everything else is shyte

    Platinum Member
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    Mar 2016
    I rather sneakily got in a very nice ride today, my wife and I are looking after 3 of our elderly neighbours who can’t go out and one of them needed some pills picking up for their dogs arthritis, so I ordered them online from Porton down pet shop using click and collect and got in a good ride on the cruiser going to get them. I’m not saying I took the most direct route there or back but I DID genuinely only only leave the house for an essential reason.

    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Badger, I’ve been wrestling with the same reasoning.
    My local Asda is about 2 minutes away
    But I’ve been thinking I could go via the A36.
    I can’t bring myself to do it though...

    Maybe I just need to...
    Everything else is shyte

    Diamond Member Burbler's Avatar
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    I only have one vice…I lie.

    Platinum Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Last Train View Post
    Badger, I’ve been wrestling with the same reasoning.
    My local Asda is about 2 minutes away
    But I’ve been thinking I could go via the A36.
    I can’t bring myself to do it though...

    Maybe I just need to...
    just say you can’t use Asda as your banned from all there stores for some reason or that you won’t use them for some weird and wonderful moral reason and the only shop you feel comfortable using happens to be miles away, preferably at the end of a long road with lots of tight bends and long straights .
    To be honest I don’t feel in the slightest bit guilty popping out for a ride keeping my germs in my own helmet, even more so when you see all the groups of muppets congregating in the fields near me to do their 1 hour of exercise, 2/3 of which never normally go out to exercise anyway.
    No word of a lie I was out in my garage this morning and a group of 10+ French cyclists rode by with their bikes loaded up with tents, backpacks etc (I know they were French as they were shouting very loudly to each other in French lol), it’s people doing stuff like that that should feel guilty.

    Diamond Member Wes's Avatar
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    Havent been out for about a month now. Last trip out was to Weymouth, a bit chilly with a few showers, but glad we went Personally, Im not too bothered, obviously as soon as the flag drops and we get the all clear, Im gone, but until then its staying parked up. gone way past the point of cleaning, more like dusting it now.

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