
Thread: NHS volunteers needed

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  1. NHS volunteers needed 
    Platinum Member
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    Sign up and make a difference, the NHS are working their nuts of to keep us safe from the plague, it’s our turn to return the favour.

    Diamond Member Scotty's Avatar
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    Fawley, New Forest
    So the tories spend the last ten years running the NHS into the ground, starving it of funds so it'll die a death and they can privatise it, create the hostile environment to scare away all the non-"white British" workers, and now in the hour of need they want people to work for nothing.... f*ckers...
    Racing is life, anything before or after is just waiting.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Scotty View Post
    So the tories spend the last ten years running the NHS into the ground, starving it of funds so it'll die a death and they can privatise it, create the hostile environment to scare away all the non-"white British" workers, and now in the hour of need they want people to work for nothing.... f*ckers...
    At risk of falling out (but more then willing to do so) can I politely ask you to shut up and leave politics at the door at this time when EVERYONE should be pulling together and NOT using this as a soapbox to be an armchair expert. If your not willing to help why bother replying.

    Administrator BB's Avatar
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    We all need to pull together at this time, whatever has gone before must be put aside.
    We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box.”

    Platinum Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BB View Post
    We all need to pull together at this time, whatever has gone before must be put aside.
    Thank you and very well said.

    Active Member
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    As someone who owes his sons life to the nhs anything I can do to help the system work I will , regardless of who should be funding what and by how much.

    Platinum Member WR6133's Avatar
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    Signed up earlier, I was doing the local volunteering thing prior though that seems to have now fizzled off. Unfortunately my job means i don't have lots of time (Logistics).

    I agree with Scotty's sentiments and those views should air now, as now is when people are listening. However Roy is right in that we should club together and sort this **** out ASAP. The politics around it shouldn't stop people doing what they can. This is quite a wide call, don't think you need to be young, healthy and with a car, they are also needing people to man the phones and talk to those isolated alone who maybe mentally going through hell.

    "People help themselves, Strong people help those around them". It's time for everyone to be strong.

    Diamond Member Wes's Avatar
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    Looks like there has been an excellent response. As a construction worker, im still having to go out there, not out of choice i will admit. well done to all those who have signed up.

    At the risk of falling out...
    This evening I had an old customer, who is a GP in Bath, call me and ask is I had any face masks she could have because the NHS can't provide them.
    2 weeks ago I was working for an MIU nurse in Chippenham who said they have to work in pairs when seeing suspected Covid19 cases but only have protective suits for 1 person at a time.
    There is only 1 reason why this is happening and it's 100% political.
    Volunteering is a wonderful thing but let's not forget why there is a need for it the next time we vote.
    People either support the NHS or vote Tory. One cannot do both.

    Platinum Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by wiltshire builders View Post
    At the risk of falling out...
    This evening I had an old customer, who is a GP in Bath, call me and ask is I had any face masks she could have because the NHS can't provide them.
    2 weeks ago I was working for an MIU nurse in Chippenham who said they have to work in pairs when seeing suspected Covid19 cases but only have protective suits for 1 person at a time.
    There is only 1 reason why this is happening and it's 100% political.
    Volunteering is a wonderful thing but let's not forget why there is a need for it the next time we vote.
    People either support the NHS or vote Tory. One cannot do both.
    Are those little blue buggers at fault for every country having PPE shortages as well!
    A pandemic being 100% political, how does that work exactly,? I thought it was a virus?
    As for your old customer asking you for face masks you should ask her to ring around other surgery’s as my local doctors are providing face masks to anyone entering the surgery (against WHOs advice) which tells me they at least have plenty.
    The reality of the current situation is NO-ONE could have seen this pandemic coming and if any government (blue or red) had spent billions on the thousands of ventilators, PPE and other equipment that is currently needed just to put in storage on the of small chance it may be needed then the public would have whinged and moaned about the wasted public money as all these things have limited shelf life’s, should they have a huge store of boats in case of mass flooding or others things for worldwide disasters that are very unlikely but may happen in the future?
    Oh and yes one can vote Tory AND support the NHS and I’m extremely proud do say I do so.
    Last edited by Badger-Roy; 01-04-20 at 07:12 AM.

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