A tiny smear of Copaslip on the threads of aluminium fasteners saves a lot of aggro - same goes for any small-threaded fastener really. NEVER use thread-lock on aluminium fasteners.
Has the bike in question been ridden through winter and seen salt? That won’t have helped...

TOP TIP: fairing fasteners are usually countersunk or button head screws. These have relatively small hex sockets in relation to the thread size (ie. M6 threads have only a 4mm hex, M5 have 3mm). When fitting or removing them, always use a good really hard hex bit on a ratchet or speed brace, and ensure that it’s straight and fully engaged in the socket of the fastener. If it misaligns or jumps out it will damage the socket. Hex (Allen) keys are made from softer metal and the ends can become damaged or worn, which increases the chance of rounding out the socket on the screw. Similarly, don’t use the ball end on a hex key to undo a countersunk or button head screw - recipe for a rounded socket every time. Fine to use the ball to spin the screw out once it’s loose, but don’t use it to crack off a tightened screw (or to tighten one up!)

This isn’t stuff that I’ve read by the way, they’ve all been lessons learned the hard way (followed invariably by perfecting the art of removing the fastener in question with a hammer and small chisel, definitely NOT a task I enjoy having to do...)

Happy New Year everyone.