
Thread: Guy Martin: worlds fastest van?

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  1. Guy Martin: worlds fastest van? 
    Did anyone catch this programme on c4 Sunday night?
    Really interesting show that follows the same format as all the other "Speed" programmes.
    I think the reason it works so well is the way they explain the technology without dumbing down too much.
    If you haven't seen it, it's definitely worth a watch.

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    bromham and melksham
    with one of the oil pipes to a turbo loose, flames starting around the engine and he still has his foot hard down......

    pulls into pit lane and parks next to fuel pumps.

    Diamond Member Wes's Avatar
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    Was well worth a watch, really good programme

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    Yes good programme, kind of like Top Gear for channel 4.

    It was amazing that he went so fast in a transit. All he changed was the engine, brakes, suspension, wheels, gearbox, electrics, bodywork and the engine position. Apart from that it was a completely standard van!

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    Quote Originally Posted by wiltshire builders View Post
    It was amazing that he went so fast in a transit. All he changed was the engine, brakes, suspension, wheels, gearbox, electrics, bodywork and the engine position. Apart from that it was a completely standard van!
    Ah but he did keep his Chelsea boots on .

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    Hiding in your blindspot
    I see he's just released his twelveteenth book in time for Xmas, it's all an act i'm convinced, a very lucrative act.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mitch9128 View Post
    I see he's just released his twelveteenth book in time for Xmas, it's all an act i'm convinced, a very lucrative act.
    What came across loud and clear in his 2nd book was that he is not a very nice person. And I bet it had been edited down quite a bit too.
    I think you need to get a few TT wins under your belt before you start criticising the likes of John McGuiness.

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    Hiding in your blindspot
    Quote Originally Posted by wiltshire builders View Post
    What came across loud and clear in his 2nd book was that he is not a very nice person. And I bet it had been edited down quite a bit too.
    I think you need to get a few TT wins under your belt before you start criticising the likes of John McGuiness.
    He told a mate to eff off, in some services up north, when he spotted him and asked for an autograph. I was sold for a while, even buying his first 3 books, though i got bored 5 mins into the 3rd.

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    I can only speak from personal experience but I bumped into him (quite literally) at fleet services about 4 years ago and he seemed a decent enough bloke, he was quite happy to stop and have a quick chat, if anything he seemed quite shy but as he's now been diagnosed with Asperger syndrome that could explain why. I never asked him for his autograph as id read it pees him off.
    Last edited by Badger-Roy; 07-11-18 at 04:26 PM.

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