I brought a battery for my triumph trophy from eurocarparts a week or so ago that came with a separate bottle of acid to fill it with.
However I was a grown up, I wore gloves, goggles and filled the battery exactly as the instructions told me to, at NO point did I throw any in someone's face or even have the urge to, just like 99.99999% of normal people. But hayho a few people did so we have to work on the assumption that EVERYONES gonna start doing it and ban it. Maybe we need to ban belts/sting/shoelaces etc next just incase the "youths of today" learn about garrotting.

And as for the £39.50 epp license that's just laughable, you can't buy battery acid incase it's secretly to burn someone's face of, but for the bargain price of 40 quid we will take your word the acids for your battery.