Quote Originally Posted by njl View Post
I was looking for a Haynes for the new watercooled twin Triumphs and it appears that there is now an online option, which at a glance looks to be a 1 year subscription. It's about 2/3rds of the price of rrp for hardcopy but if you have to pay again after 1st year might not be so good of a deal, unless you have a great memory for torque settings and valve clearances.

Has anyone experienced the online version? I suppose it could add video clips which might be a benefit to staring at a black and white picture and trying to figure out quite what the f£*k they did there.

I get the impression that the online type services don't let you download on masse and save which is a pity but savvy business by the publisher.
Its £24.99 for a hard copy that you own till the end of days or £16.99 to borrow it for 1 year. It's a no brainier to me, hardcopy all the way. Or look on eBay and buy a used copy for a tenner, that's what I do but then I'm Scrooge mcduck .