
Thread: Throttle cable woes

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  1. Throttle cable woes 
    Platinum Member
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    Went out for a bimble on the old honda cx500 this evening and whizzing along at about 80 having a grand old time then "ping" the throttle cable snapped.
    As Sod's law dictates it decided to snap on a main road, in the middle of nowhere, in the dark just as its starting to piddle down.
    Luckily it's got a decent toolkit in the top-box complete with an emergency cable repair kit however unluckily the topbox was on my workbench at home as I'd had to remove it to repair the luggage rack and hadn't got around to refitting it DOH.

    so iv just got home having traveled the better part of 8 miles on engine tickover in 2nd gear at about 6mph.
    Did I mention the dark,main road and the rain?

    Platinum Member Trev's Avatar
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    Ooops but the bit about the top box made me chuckle, sorry

    Last time I had a throttle cable break was years ago on a LC, not a friggin chance of riding that on tick over, had to wind the throttle stops out and splutter along in a screen of two stroke

    Platinum Member
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    Glad it gave you a chuckle, since having a hot shower and a couple of cold cans im starting to see the funny side of it.
    An important lession has been learned, emergency kits are only of use if you have them with you, from now on it's going under the seat.

    Administrator BB's Avatar
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    Oops, good to hear you made it home ok. What is life if no challenge or adventure now and then!
    We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box.”

    Diamond Member Burbler's Avatar
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    Happened to me a few yrs ago with the CB500. Luckily it was flat all the way home and the adjuster is get-at-able without any trouble.

    Hobby-horsed it, mainly on the pavement.
    I only have one vice…I lie.

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    Happened on my ETZ 250 a year or two back. I was able to reach down and work the throttle by tugging on the bit of cable remaining, Only a couple of miles from home thankfully. Oh the joy of simple bikes. On some of my other stuff - no chance.

    Administrator BB's Avatar
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    I fell off my Serow first day trail riding in Isle of Man. Snapped the throttle cable connector off the handlebars but cable was ok. Bloke road up the trail behind me and had some cable ties, tied the end of the cable to the twist grip nice & neatly and I continued riding for the rest of the holiday quite happily - in fact for many months afterwards! Moral - Never go out without a cable tie or two
    We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box.”

    Diamond Member Burbler's Avatar
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    One of my other throttle incidents occurred in 3 lanes of traffic in the middle of Bristol. Was on a left hand bend when the whole throttle tube and grip came completely off the handlebar, still attached to the cable. Now I have no brake, no throttle and am in the middle of vehicles both sides, behind and in front.

    Not nice.
    I only have one vice…I lie.

    Platinum Member
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    Had time to strip the cx down today and rather strangely the cable has snapped about midway along the length of the cable, Iv had cables go before but it's always been the nipple detatched from either end.
    It's a right bugger to get to the carb end of the cable and looking at the manual it says to remove the carbs which isn't an option I relished, so after sitting and having a coffee and staring at the bike for 10 mins I decided that removing the top engine mount looked easier, sure enough with the mount removed it took 2 mins to fit. Moral of the day: manuals aren't always worth the paper there printed on.

    Administrator BB's Avatar
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    West Wilts
    Quote Originally Posted by Burbler View Post
    One of my other throttle incidents occurred in 3 lanes of traffic in the middle of Bristol. Was on a left hand bend when the whole throttle tube and grip came completely off the handlebar, still attached to the cable. Now I have no brake, no throttle and am in the middle of vehicles both sides, behind and in front.

    Not nice.
    Exciting moment!
    We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box.”

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