Yes have rung up insurance today. I think I was letting myself getting persuaded by all sorts of nonsense yesterday. The idea that someone as lazy and inexperienced in such matters as me could find the farmer and sue is pretty far fetched.

I had it dropped at a dealership and had everything priced up to the max and it comes to about 1.5k (radiator is a bit bent). This is mainly a culmination of a lot of minor damage and seems a bit crazy but guess insurance aren't going to treat me better if it's 500 or 1500 so in for a penny in for a pound!

I will push them to take it further as it was clearly an ice rink (2 bikes over in 2 hours, 1 cyclist the night before) + it had been reported (according to the cyclist) on 101 the night before. Irritatingly I can't see the insurance company doing anything about it for a £1500 claim other than charge me more next year but we'll see.

I'll at least try and claim for my helmet from the council.
