Thank you, walked away with a very small road rash but now a very stiff knee and a big bruise is starting to show. Thank you also for the offer, that's really nice of you. I'm going to try and get my bike into a garage I've noticed does MOT's on bikes, which is down the street. if i can get them to sort my major issues out; like my back tire, which i now think that because my back break is damaged, it might have caused my breaks to bind and prevent my wheel from moving freely. If there's things i still need to replace after hopefully getting into the garage, i'll definitely give you a shout if that's okay?.

It was kind of hurtful that when i did come off, only one lady got out her car to see if i was okay, everyone else stayed in their cars like it was nothing.. And the fact i've posted on here and had such lovely responses, and you offering your assistance, its just so lovely and warming to me. This is why i partly love the biking community... Cant thank everyone enough for the support i get.