
Thread: Conflict of interest?

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    Active Member
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I Know we are all led to believe that they good old AA have been there since the dawn of time, but am I imagining that they went under back in the mid 1990's (or was that just their chain of shops?) Looking at all the cheap stuff that has popped up with their name on in the local petrol stations over the last couple of years I would put money on them being a company just like any other now.

    That story stinks doesn't it? it is scandalous It is though of course the same ploy most insurers use come every renewal, just presuming the general populace are too bloody lazy, or busy to look around. Every year I do a little dance with my insurers, they ramp the price up by £100, I shop around and go back to them with the best price, lo and behold they drop it to a reasonable level. Don't ever think they have the slightest love of you as a customer, they may come across all nice and matey but they serve their shareholders, not us customers

    Same thing with my RAC:- I was livid with them last year, renewal came in at some where just over £100, my Lambretta broke down at the Nostalgia show over at Stockton (main jet wound out!) so I had to use them, when they took their payment they took almost £30 more than my renewal was, I presumed this was something to do with actually having the cheek to use them and meant to call them but just forgot about it. This year my renewal came in double! I went on line and found that as a new customer I would pay hell of a lot less, called them, tore them off strip, mentioned my suspicions regarding the legality of their little stunt last year, i.e taking more money than they had informed me they would - upshot my cover dropped to less than £90.
    Last edited by Julie_S; 08-10-15 at 06:55 PM. Reason: poor use of the English language

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