
Thread: Local boy done good...

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  1. Local boy done good... 
    Platinum Member
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    Can't believe there's no thread on him yet, Ken is slacking. So Jeremy Corbyn, born and brought up in Kington st Michael, future leader, or forever opposition? Personally i would vote him in tomorrow, he'll bring a fairness to society that will make Thatcher turn in her grave. Maximum wages instead of minimum wages, renationalise the railways, and scrap the hs2 that would make the whole of the north, commuter towns for London. What say the Wiltshire massive?

    Diamond Member DC's Avatar
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    Would be a breath of fresh air having someone half human in No.10 for a change instead of the emotionless bean counters that we've become accustomed to .

    Senior Member Vulcanboy's Avatar
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    Even Corbyn isn't stupid enough to stand as a Commie ... but the majority of voters know what he's about! He and his ilk are going nowhere. The thought, expressed by some leftish punters, that labour lost the election because they were not left enough, confirms that they have absolutely no idea of what the real British public, wanted, think about, and voted for, and why. To be a successful leftie you need to be rich and successful at fleecing the poor ... to be really successful, those poor people who have been fleeced, have to be duped into believing they haven't been sh*t upon! .. the Tories should give Corbyn a medal .... for services rendered ....
    It's not about my ears ... it's about my ride!

    Diamond Member DC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vulcanboy View Post
    Even Corbyn isn't stupid enough to stand as a Commie ... but the majority of voters know what he's about! He and his ilk are going nowhere. The thought, expressed by some leftish punters, that labour lost the election because they were not left enough, confirms that they have absolutely no idea of what the real British public, wanted, think about, and voted for, and why. To be a successful leftie you need to be rich and successful at fleecing the poor ... to be really successful, those poor people who have been fleeced, have to be duped into believing they haven't been sh*t upon! .. the Tories should give Corbyn a medal .... for services rendered ....

    The "Real British Public" don't really know what they want.If we did we wouldn't tolerate one shower after another , spoon feeding us whatever they consider to be good for us .

    Administrator Uber Dave's Avatar
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    The fact he didn't sing the national anthem at the Battle of Britain memorial ceremony today says all I need to know about the man and he won't be getting my vote.

    Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk

    Diamond Member
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    Ecstatic, now that New Labour is Old Labour and Old Labour is New Labour and the tail has moved back to the back of the dog, where it should be, I applied to join yesterday. Not to sit on my arse, but to become active and hopefully pass on some of my many years of political campaigning experience to the many new young members who feel connected and energised by the leadership campaign. Oh how the right wing media and politicians took the piss out of him, so we should thank them for helping Corbyn to win this historic unprecedented victory. Who are the 'commies' and the 'real British' people?' Perhaps the tide is turning after 36 years of right of centre governments. I followed the rise of the SNP and the more the British mainstream media and 3 right wing unionist parties mocked them the more popular they became. The old muck slinging is not working anymore. Joe Public will get sick of it eventually. Let us not forget that all the other 3 leadership candidates stood on a pro austerity ticket and Corbyn obliterated them with nearly 60% of the vote from across the spectrum of the party. 5 more years of cuts and I think you might see a change of mood in the country and of course the EU question will play a big part in deciding the next election. Half the Tory party want in and half want out. Not a done deal and all to play for.
    Last edited by redken1; 16-09-15 at 06:46 AM.

    Platinum Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uber Dave View Post
    The fact he didn't sing the national anthem at the Battle of Britain memorial ceremony today says all I need to know about the man and he won't be getting my vote.

    Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
    He's a republican, would you rather he was a hypocrit, and did sing it? Despite 10 years in the army, albeit a while ago now, i have never sang it, or at least not since i can remember. It was nothing to do with the battle of britain, or any commemeration, the national anthem is a toadying ditty to liz and her family of leeches.

    Platinum Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vulcanboy View Post
    Even Corbyn isn't stupid enough to stand as a Commie ... but the majority of voters know what he's about! He and his ilk are going nowhere. The thought, expressed by some leftish punters, that labour lost the election because they were not left enough, confirms that they have absolutely no idea of what the real British public, wanted, think about, and voted for, and why. To be a successful leftie you need to be rich and successful at fleecing the poor ... to be really successful, those poor people who have been fleeced, have to be duped into believing they haven't been sh*t upon! .. the Tories should give Corbyn a medal .... for services rendered ....
    Corbyn may be a socialist, but he's not a communist. As for what the British public want, is it to bail out the banks with our money again, so the bankers don't lose their millions? Is it to keep the defecit going forever, so that we're all happy to endure austerity measures forever? Is it to make us all commute into London, and have no business or industry elsewhere? Is it to see executives wages rise astronomically, whilst ours stagnate? Need i go on?

    Platinum Member WR6133's Avatar
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    I want to like Corbyn, a lot of what he says makes sense. However his CND anti nuclear weapons stance would stop me voting for him.

    As for the National anthem, what a storm in a teacup. I can count on 1 finger how many times I sang that as a soldier so I don't think it's key to remembering those that served in the slightest (hell I know more words to the Internationale and the Red flag than god save the queen). Hymns are sung at Remembrance services, the anthem was only included there to massage the ego of 1 attendee.

    Good luck too him and if he changes his view on Trident I may actually bother voting.

    Platinum Member Trev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Uber Dave View Post
    The fact he didn't sing the national anthem at the Battle of Britain memorial ceremony today says all I need to know about the man and he won't be getting my vote.

    Sent from my LG-D855 using Tapatalk
    +1 for that, unlikely I would be voting Labour now absolutely 100% certain I won't be, would be a disaster for the country if he got in. Probably a nice bloke but I want a PM who knows more about running a country than I do

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