
Thread: 10 things all riders hate

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    Active Member Linford's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Another one..
    Poorly maintained/wet & slippy Manhole covers on bends...and they always seem to be positioned on the line I am riding!

    Platinum Member WR6133's Avatar
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    Jul 2013
    Doddery pensioners

    15MPH in a 40, they went round the corner before that image so slow my speedo needle wasn't registering anything!

    (later on they did a e-stop to let somebody join a main road from a side road)

    Quote Originally Posted by Trev View Post
    MT03 is going for MOT next week and then putting it up for sale so need to drag that out and give it the once over.
    Aww you keep selling the ones I like!

    Quote Originally Posted by Trev View Post
    We should catch up
    Definitely, let me know when you have a free Saturday/Sunday.

    Administrator BB's Avatar
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    West Wilts
    So many things on here I totally agree with......
    We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box.”

    Active Member
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    Don't agree on the chicken strips. If you live on a really straight road and own a sports bike you have an obligation to go out and seek twisty bits, or a track.

    The scooter thing happens in reverse too, if you are making fair progress, guaranteed some tool on a minor sports bike ( one usually 10 years or more old) will have to prove that his CBR600 is indeed faster than 200cc of raw Vespa power, and too make himself feel faster will pass within a foot of you

    I dislike cyclists who ride 2/3 or 4 abreast on narrow roads, yes I know why they do it and I'm sure I'd do the same but that doesn't make it any less annoying when have to get around them

    Those slow drivers who do 40mph max on a main road, you drop to 30 or less in a village, they are up behind trying to overtake you whilst still doing 40

    Slow car drivers who bunch up like scared wildebeest bumper to bumper and out towards the white line leaving no room for anyone to pass

    I'm not a good one to comment as everything pretty much annoys me, except me
    Last edited by Julie_S; 25-04-15 at 01:05 PM.

    Diamond Member
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    May 2010
    Ye I agree with a lot on here. Would add, other Bikers who keep telling us we should go on an advanced motorcycle course. I know it is for the wrong reason, but I refuse to sign up because I hate being told what to do even if it would be of benefit to me. Not sensible, but there you go. And the self proclaimed biker heros who ride in all weathers and remind us of that fact every day throughout the entire winter season.
    Last edited by redken1; 25-04-15 at 01:49 PM.

    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Drivers who pull over to let you by.

    Specifically, those who drive through the crap at the very edge of the road 'to let him by' and consequently throw all sorts of shrapnel at you.

    Coming back from Gastard wednesday night I was following an estate car along the dual carriageway section of Western way, Melksham.

    This complete dickhead, having seen me, pulled as far to the right hand side of the outside lane (I assume to let me filter through the middle of the two lanes) as he could get.

    He instantly kicked up a stone that smashed into my 1 month old new visor and left a 4mm long scratch right in the middle of my sight line. Feckin marvellous.

    Great though it is that drivers are aware that you're there, but, FFS, a bit of commom sav please.
    Everything else is shyte

    Senior Member
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    bromham and melksham
    cyclists, again!!
    came down sandridge hill today two cyclists racing down... we all had to wait until we could pass.
    first one got to the bottom, then pulled into carpark.
    only to turn bike back round to cycle back up. thus holding those cars up leaving melksham!!

    Diamond Member
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    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Snowy View Post
    Bikers that hate cyclists
    I very much hope that road users of other modes of transport are not as intolerant towards bikers. Doesn't bother me slowing down to pass cyclists - it's not a race track and 'we are all in it together' lol
    Last edited by redken1; 25-04-15 at 09:23 PM.

    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    You could just settle for inconsiderate road users who own the entire road: cyclists with green credentials, women with children in the back and a mobile phone, 2 litre mondo man, transit drivers, drivers/ riders over 50 who are too old to live let alone drive/ride, anyone who owns a BMW or Harley, because ,of course, sports bike riders are perfect��������

    Quote Originally Posted by redken1 View Post
    Ye I agree with a lot on here. Would add, other Bikers who keep telling us we should go on an advanced motorcycle course. I know it is for the wrong reason, but I refuse to sign up because I hate being told what to do even if it would be of benefit to me. Not sensible, but there you go. And the self proclaimed biker heros who ride in all weathers and remind us of that fact every day throughout the entire winter season.
    The Jehovah's witnesses of the biking community.

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