Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
I have ridden in T shirt jeans and trainers many times, admittedly that was in the 70's when it was acceptable and we were all just a bit crazy (well alright a lot crazy). I have had gravel rash more times than I care to remember and yes it hurts. I wouldn't ride anywhere now without full leathers, gloves and boots, I have always worn a helmet, even in the 70's we weren't that stupid.
I've seen some of my Uncles racing helmets from the 70s, I wouldn't have said they would have offered much protection better than none I suppose.... The padding was really really thin. They say there is 2 types of bikers, those that have binned it, and those that are about to bin it. The squids should get on LiveLeak and search horrific motorcycle accidents... Its certainly a reality check.