Hi Snowy, met you at last weeks ride out, nice to put a face to the posts at last.

Tough decision not to have kids, my Brother and his wife did the same, it is a huge responsibility, the biggest I can think of. There is no wrong or right in the decisions you make as you first help and then watch them grow and flourish. Sometimes you can have too much information and at others not enough but either way, as a parent, you still have to make a decision and vaccinations are just one more to make along the way. We went with doctors advice when our kids were young (no internet experts back then) but did 'research' by asking other parents, including ours, and others we trusted. So far, so good but take your point, may not know for sure until they are in their old age.

I'm glad we don't have to make those sorts of decisions for our kids now with so much info available, so little of it verifiable and so much of it just scare mongering. These days I really only have to think about myself and if I feel the need for extra guidance usually turn to WB forum for bike related stuff or the works of Homer Simpson for anything else ; )