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    Platinum Member Trev's Avatar
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    Hi Snowy, met you at last weeks ride out, nice to put a face to the posts at last.

    Tough decision not to have kids, my Brother and his wife did the same, it is a huge responsibility, the biggest I can think of. There is no wrong or right in the decisions you make as you first help and then watch them grow and flourish. Sometimes you can have too much information and at others not enough but either way, as a parent, you still have to make a decision and vaccinations are just one more to make along the way. We went with doctors advice when our kids were young (no internet experts back then) but did 'research' by asking other parents, including ours, and others we trusted. So far, so good but take your point, may not know for sure until they are in their old age.

    I'm glad we don't have to make those sorts of decisions for our kids now with so much info available, so little of it verifiable and so much of it just scare mongering. These days I really only have to think about myself and if I feel the need for extra guidance usually turn to WB forum for bike related stuff or the works of Homer Simpson for anything else ; )

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    Quote Originally Posted by Trev View Post
    Hi Snowy, met you at last weeks ride out, nice to put a face to the posts at last.

    Tough decision not to have kids, my Brother and his wife did the same, it is a huge responsibility, the biggest I can think of.
    Sorry Trev, but it wasn't me you met last week. And I have 4 kids, 2 girls and 2 boys, all of whom had the jabs and have grown up into very healthy and well adjusted kids. I have brought them up as a single parent so had to make all the decisions on their behalf when they were younger, and as parents well know, its not easy making those so did so taking everything that was important to me and them into account. My decisions and I know I have to live with them but I'd rather do that than put them deliberately into harms way.

    Events Team Hazel-nut's Avatar
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    In my opinion is you don't have kids then you have no first hand experience of it so to dish out advice on how to look after mine is slightly hypocritical! Also if you've had lots of vaccinations why shouldn't my daughter? If I didn't give her them and she got ill and possibly died the I would never forgive myself!

    Platinum Member Trev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snowy View Post
    Sorry Trev, but it wasn't me you met last week. And I have 4 kids, 2 girls and 2 boys, all of whom had the jabs and have grown up into very healthy and well adjusted kids. I have brought them up as a single parent so had to make all the decisions on their behalf when they were younger, and as parents well know, its not easy making those so did so taking everything that was important to me and them into account. My decisions and I know I have to live with them but I'd rather do that than put them deliberately into harms way.
    Snowy (and Swanny) my apologies, it was Swanny I met last week, too many S***Y's for my poor brain ; )

    Sounds like you've done a great job as a parent, at times it's been tough enough with my wife by my side so hats off to you and all the other single parents who make it happen

    Join Date
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    Hi Trev it was me, good to meet you

    Sorry Hazel you missunderstood me, I'm not advising you on how to look after or bring up your daughter. I'm just saying you and all parents out there should be aware of the dangers of vaccines. I don't envy the choices you have to make for Sophie. Hopefully she will be fine.

    The fact that I don't have children is irrelevant, I have a body which means I can and do have an opinion on vaccinations. I don't want to do further damage my body by having vaccines (filled with toxic ingredients like mercury, aluminum and formaldehyde) injected into it which in my opinion are more dangerous than the risks of not having them. Yes I have had a lot of vaccinations but that was before I was aware of the risks, as I said above I will never have another. When I was born in the early 60's mothers were being encouraged by doctors to take the thalidomide drug. We all know what happened there, thankfully my mother refused it.

    If you lived in San Antonio, Texas you could take Sophie along to McDonalds for vaccines

    Below are quotes from doctors who don't think vaccines are safe

    Medical doctors warn the public about the dangers of vaccines

    "My suspicion, which is shared by others in my profession, is that the nearly 10,000 SIDS deaths that occur in the United States each year are related to one or more of the vaccines that are routinely given children. The pertussis vaccine is the most likely villain, but it could also be one or more of the others." - Robert Mendelsohn, M.D.

    "My data proves that the studies used to support immunization are so flawed that it is impossible to say if immunization provides a net benefit to anyone or to society in general. This question can only be determined by proper studies which have never been performed. The flaw of previous studies is that there was no long term follow up and chronic toxicity was not looked at. The American Society of Microbiology has promoted my research...and thus acknowledges the need for proper studies." - John B.Classen, M.D., M.B.A.

    "Up to 90% of the total decline in the death rate of children, between 1860-1965, because of whooping cough, scarlet fever, diphtheria, and measles occurred before the introduction of immunizations and antibiotics." - Archie Kalokerinos, M.D.

    "There is a great deal of evidence to prove that immunization of children does more harm than good." - Dr. J. Anthony Morris, former chief vaccine officer for the Bureau of Biological Standards at the National Institutes of Health and FDA

    "Official data shows that large scale vaccination has failed to obtain any significant improvement of the diseases against which they were supposed to provide protection" - Dr. Sabin, developer of the oral polio vaccine

    Jonas Salk, M.D., inventor of the first polio vaccine, testified before a Senate subcommittee 'that nearly all polio outbreaks since 1961 were caused by the oral polio vaccine.'

    I could go on and on - but, the point is there are many medical doctors (to this day), including Drs. Suzanne Humphries, Jack Wolfson and Robert Rowen, warning the public about the dangers of vaccines; the lack of scientific evidence and, in fact, the research fraud being committed at the highest levels of our government-sponsored health agencies like the CDC and FDA

    **Edit to add link
    Last edited by Swanny; 14-02-15 at 06:12 PM.

    Join Date
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    The Shire
    Here's a good site for anyone interested in vaccines

    And an interesting article
    Vaccines, Neurodevelopment and Autism Spectrum Disorders

    The Danger of Excessive Vaccination During Brain Development: The Case for a Link to Autism Spectrum Disorders


    In 1976, children received 10 vaccines before attending school. Today they will receive over 36 injections. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the Center for Disease Control assured parents that it was safe to not only give these vaccines, but that they could be given at one time with complete safety. Is this true? Or are we being lied to on a grand scale?
    The medical establishment has created a set of terms, which they use constantly to boost their egos and firm up their authority as the unique holders of medical wisdom–the mantra is “evidence-based medicine”, as if everything outside their anointing touch is bogus and suspect. A careful examination of many of the accepted treatments reveals that most have little or no scientific “evidence-based” data to support it. One often repeated study found that almost 80% of medical practice had no scientific backing.

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