Any advice from Llandow regulars would be appreciated on this:

I was thinking of taking my MT03 but it's on Leo Vince cans and quite noisy, at least on the overrun. Seen a few posts that noise restrictions not as tight as C.Combe yet both are listed as 105Db. The last time I did CC was on my GSXR11 with standard cans and that was passed as bang on 105Db and it's not a particularly noisy bike IMO. Several got turned away although surprisingly not a guy on a Ducati with Termi's, he guessed something about noise level at 3/4 revs not being too bad but it sounded bloody loud! I know that without an actual sound meter it is subjective but how many run 'race' exhausts, etc at Llandow that get the nod but wouldn't entertain trying it at CC? Wondering whether to take the chance with the MT or try and fire up the big 'ol Gixer