Hi all, thought I'd mosey on over and see what the collective wisdom reckons to this.

As you may or may not remember, I've been running Shiny Bike Syndrome (my own company) for five or six years now and after a slow start I am now doing alright, averaging about 8 bikes a week with the valeting, plus the odd VentureShield job and a few sales in my webshop.

There are a few things I'd like to do with the company in the near future, but they all involve seeking external investment. I'm currently investigating crowd funding to get them off the ground. How do you all feel about this method of business investment?

Do any of you know anything about crowd funding? Are you, or have you been, actively involved in any? I've been reading up on it and know the basics, but want to know what a random selection of people think about it (to reflect the mixed bag of people who would be potential investors if I go ahead).

I want to hear all of your ideas and thoughts on this subject, even if you have no actual experience I still want to know how you feel about this funding method as I need to know what doesn't appeal about the idea as well as what does, so all feedback will be useful!

Thanks :-)