Iv been riding off and on for ages, I legally obtained my licence last year and spend as much time as possible in the saddle. My first bike was an srad 600, which I brought in Essex and then rode home back to Highworth lol, that was a baptism of fire, m25 on 2 wheels Is a million miles away from 4 wheels. I would just say ride as often as you can, don't force it or try to keep up with others, take it at a pace you are comfortable with and it will come. Maybe ask your fella to lead on a route somewhere at a steady pace and watch his lines etc, my girlfriend got her CBT in march and we go out together and I'm on an R6. She just rides and I watch, I'll give her tips if I feel she needs them, otherwise she just cracks on at her own pace and she says the more time she spends riding the easier it becomes.
Just keep at it and stay safe