I had the same feeling with my FZ6 totally crap lights! got some 100w philips specials and the difference is amazing much brighter and whiter so helps pick out pot holes and badgers much earlier. I would get about 40m on the old lamps these are more like 80 (reasonable illumiation on a dark lane). I also switched from contisports to PR4s as I am mostly commuting. These are amazing in the wet and on loose stuff (leaves gravel etc) no notice difference for commuting in wet and dry. Stopping time is awesome (maybe the new brake pads mind you!). I had a deer run out in front of me going through farleigh hungerford on night in the pissing rain managed a awesome unexpected stoppie (no spectators unfortunately) but the front never lost grip, did wonders for night riding my self confidence though! I also wear glasses for the night runs, I dont need it for the gov criteria, it does make me feel more confident with long distance vision as I have one slightly dodgy eye, I would recomend getting checked out. I am very unfashionable, I have a police like fluorescent jacket and lid, both of which make people double take at night which often prevents them pulling out in front or doing something silly I find it really works.