
Thread: David's story

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  1. David's story 
    Senior Member
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    Just seen this such an incredibly sad story, and what an amazing lady his Mum is -


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    Have seen comments on Facebook blaming the moronic car driver etc, etc

    There is a news piece that goes with this video that puts it a bit more into context

    Motorcycle was doing 97mph when he hit the car.

    Platinum Member Trev's Avatar
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    Every rider's nightmare, that point beyond any chance of taking evasive action. So brave and thoughtful of his Mum to give this warning, it must have been very hard to do.

    Give yourself a chance, reduce speed around junctions and traffic, cover the brakes, plan your options, expect the worse. Don't view throttling off/light braking as a negative in these situations, it gives you a chance to enjoy the acceleration a bike gives in getting you back to your 'cruising' speed. As with corners, slow in, quick out

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    I think there has been enough said about who was to blame and what should or shouldn't have happened, I watched the vid earlier this morning and made a comment about the speed and the blind driver, now just thinking more about it not being me next, or anyone else.
    We already know the roads are full of idiots and we are more vulnerable, ride safely. Hopefully the family can be satisfied it's a talking point and may help drivers/riders to think more.

    Take care out there...

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    This is worth reading to understand a little more what happened for anyone who hasnt read it -


    Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mal103 View Post
    I think there has been enough said about who was to blame and what should or shouldn't have happened, I watched the vid earlier this morning and made a comment about the speed and the blind driver, now just thinking more about it not being me next, or anyone else.
    We already know the roads are full of idiots and we are more vulnerable, ride safely. Hopefully the family can be satisfied it's a talking point and may help drivers/riders to think more.

    Take care out there...
    I agree with you...but I think we are all those idiots at times, some of us are just lucky idiots.

    Active Member theoldbaldone's Avatar
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    Very sad to watch, watched it last night and got me thinking, being a newbie it has shown me that I need to watch my speed as well as watching others.
    it must be hard for his mum to watch over and over, I hope this works for all road users. Be safe all

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    Quote Originally Posted by QB1 View Post
    I agree with you...but I think we are all those idiots at times, some of us are just lucky idiots.
    i've done both (or similar) over the years and been lucky, I've been hanging on by my butt cheeks on a bend and putting the breaks on quick saying ohhhhh Shiite. Had a car pull out on me, fell off a few times, pulled out making someone break. Always managed to get away with missing, stopping or coming off with just scratches. I challenge anyone to say they haven't had similar experiences.
    never had a bad crash though, only car I've hit was one that pulled out on me early on.
    Balance the above with over 27 years of riding/driving and thousands of miles then I think I am either lucky or semi good. I think we owe it to ourselves, our friends/family and other road users to take it easy and take care. Won't be long before someone tries to ban bikes as being dangerous.

    sorry to come across as preaching a bit but inexperienced riders really need to be aware, there is nothing wrong with speed, it's the inability to stop in time when things change or go wrong - that's when it's too late...

    Platinum Member WR6133's Avatar
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    Whatever is said about his riding if you slap that video full screen and put it on 720p you see just how long that car could/should have see him. I think the speed is irrelevant to where to attribute fault the car driver is guilty of deadly incompetence. Maybe the speed is relevant to the final consequence (death) though I wonder if he had come off at 60 and headplanted that hedge/tree would he have fared any better.

    Diamond Member Burbler's Avatar
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    At that speed the bike is covering some 50 yds per second. The car may well look and not see a head-on bike 150-200 yds away. Pulling away and swinging right may well take more than 3 secs. It just all happens too fast for either of them to compensate.
    I only have one viceā€¦I lie.

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