What do you think, will this help drivers to stay alert, take away the percentage of idiot/bad Riders that contribute to these stats there is still a large number of drivers who can't or don't see us, or too busy on the phone - I even waved to one this morning on a roundabout - she couldn't indicate due to having a more important conversation on the phone.
I think we have been forced to ride VERY defensively to take into account the sloppy drivers out there which seem to get worse every year, will this demo from MAG make a difference?

I think if you drive over a cyclist these days you are almost certain to be going to prison - Rant start: blinking lycra lardies thinking they own the road and can ride side by side but anything goes wrong and it's somebody elses fault - Rant over... I'm all for cyclist, in a cycle lane on a slow and wide road, not a cycling route of twisting country lanes at national speed limit only wide enough for 2 cars. Can't stand them myself but not all their fault and deviating from the topic...