
Thread: When Not to Nod at a Fellow Biker.....

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    Administrator BB's Avatar
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    Aw, sorry to hear of your bad experience with other bikers. I've even turned round in the car to go back to check someone is ok if they are stopped in a questionable place. Not that I can really do anything being a mechanical numpty but will do what I can. I must have been lucky in the past whenever I've coasted to a stop as I've always had a fellow biker stop to check I'm ok.
    I'm covered through my insurance and also have RAC, we also have a van so if local one of us will rescue the other or nip home for the van
    We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box.”

    Active Member Nano's Avatar
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    My last bike was italian and although it was nice to ride, it frequently threw its dolly out. One year I had 5 breakdowns alone for different faults. I have full aa cover through my ban acount and it works out about half of he direct cost from them. There is no limit in value with this bt there is a 7 calloufs per year limmit. They on averGe left me waitinv for 3 hours each time buf the got there ijn the end! Not bad price but lots of waiting

    Chatterbox Jon_W's Avatar
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    I have AA relay and my other half has RAC and we've both found them very good.
    "there's no aspect, no facet, no moment in life that can't be improved with pizza"


    Platinum Member Trev's Avatar
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    I have RAC cover although only ever used it once when in France in a car, certainly proved it's worth then.

    Only bike breakdown I've had recently that left me stranded was when my 'new to me' Royal Enfield shredded the the valve from it's rear tube (a powerful bike will do that!) resulting in instant and quite scary flat, 50mph doesn't sound quick until you try it with an instantly, totally flat tyre. Even though I carry a puncture kit there was obviously no chance of repairing but rather than wait ages for RAC, as I was only 20 miles from his place I called my brother who has a van (plumber). While waiting the hour or so for him to finish his tea and clear his van at least half a dozen people stopped to see if they could help, all of them in cars although one or two were bikers. Would I have got the same on one of my Gixers, not sure as the RE seems to bring out the best in 'older' road users........... or maybe it's just pity that you have a Royal Enfield and a puncture, how sad must that be

    Join Date
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    I've stopped when a bikers been on the side of the road and I'm definitely going to stop next time I see one after reading this thread

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    I have often stopped for a biker who looks like they have a problem, on most occasions there's little to done as they have made phone calls and have things in hand but every now and again just the fact that someone has stopped and offered help has given them a bit of a boost on a crap day.
    On the other hand I have stopped on the side of the road, more so when I used to smoke, and every now and then someone would stop and ask if all's well, it's always pleasant when someone takes the time to ask.
    As for the breakdown services I've only ever used the RAC and that twice, once for a puncture and the other when a drive chain snapped on the M5 (picking up a bike from Liverpool for my son) I've found them exellent, when your sat on the side of a motorway a 150 miles from home, you ain't half glad to see that van turn up and then a direct lift home with no stops and the bike on a proper trailer.

    Administrator BB's Avatar
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    Ghost reminded me about when my 1968 Triumph decided to coast to a stop on out in the sticks on a Bath Classic run about two years ago. Obviously the guys behind stopped but it was clear it wasn't going anywhere so the rest went on and Ghost went home for the van as would be quicker than waiting for breackdown to come & say 'Yup, it's broke' and then wait another hour or so for recovery. There was no real place to get in off the road so the bike was just tucked alongside the verge and as it was a stinking hot day I decided to lie on the verge alongside the bike. It wasn't a wildly busy road but over the time I was waiting quite a few vehicles went past and not one stopped to investigate the 'body' at the side of the road! Didn't want to get involved if it was a body I suppose lol
    We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box.”

    Newbie Florentine's Avatar
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    If your bike has broken down and you are stranded at the side of the road, the absolutely last thing you need is a total noob like me stopping to make things worse...

    Mind you, perhaps I should keep tea making equipment and cake in my topbox? I could be the department for morale whilst awaiting someone who knows what they are doing.
    Man has always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much...the wheel, New York, wars and so on...while all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time.

    But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man...for precisely the same reason.

    Senior Member Vulcanboy's Avatar
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    I'm quite surprised that no one stopped .... a sign of the times, I guess ....
    It's not about my ears ... it's about my ride!

    Platinum Member
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    I always stop or give them a 'Thumbs up' - If I get a 'Thumbs down' signal I stop and check they're sorted.
    Most of the time bikes on the side of the road are waiting to meet mates for a ride out and have agreed to meet at that point.
    And yes - I am a knight of the road
    I have even stopped for cars too when I have seen that they may be in a vulnerable situation.

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