Lost my Mum to cancer. She had chemo but wished she didn't as it only destroyed her quality of life for her remaining months. 1 in 3 of us are going to get it and I don't intend to be one of them so I don't mind watching what I eat to maybe reduce my risk. Like I said above I eat 5 apricot kernels a day which some say will prevent and even cure cancer. IMO it's worth a try. And if god forbid I do get cancer the doctors can go **** themselves after what I saw them put my Mum through.
As for the list in the supposedly fake e-mail I definitely won't touch anything with sweeteners in, they are just bad for you on many levels and I agree with WB about dairy. I have an underactive thyroid which I've been trying to fix by changing my diet, just had a blood test and the results said it's greatly improved but my doctor wants me to increase my tablet dose.. I think not. I told him I will fix it and be off of the tablets all together but he said I won't. We shall see

Maybe this thread will help someone