Hello, I thought I'd share my mod1 experiences with you, if only to make you feel better about your own riding ability...

On the day I took my mod 1, I woke up to find the bloody cat had vomited on my textiles and only had time to sponge them down before having to leave. Got to the training school, hadn't even got out of the car-park before I dropped the bike, really bashing my leg in the process. Already shaking I rode to the test centre.

The examiner was a nice bloke, but from the minute I rode into the compound I started shaking and sweating with nerves. Sweating so much that my glasses and helmet steamed up, my clothes were soaked and I was aware of a strong smell of cat vomit rising up from my trousers. At this point I gave up. I was convinced I couldn't possibly pass in that state and just thought I'd go through the motions and get it right next time.

I think it was that frame of mind that let me pass. When it was over I parked up and took my helmet off. My glasses flew off too and landed in the road, just as a car went by and ran them over. Miraculously the lenses weren't damaged and by dint of a very botched job I managed to gaffa tape them to my helmet to let me ride home.

I can hardly contain my excitement that something similar might happen on my mod2...