
Thread: are we hard done by speeding in wiltshire

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  1. are we hard done by speeding in wiltshire 
    Senior Member
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    bromham and melksham
    out in the van the other day we got caught in a speed trap. ok , our own fault but I asked a question which gave me a answer I didn't expect.
    2managers I work with got caught in road works near Gloucester and in Bristol, our old landlord got caught with 2 others in Ottery St Mary. All of these got the opportunity of going on a speed awareness course. no points, no fine, no need to inform insurance.
    we got caught in Wiltshire, 3 points and £100 fine, now have to inform insurance companies.

    I don't agree with speeding or am trying to get out of it, BUT why , if I speed in another county would I come off better off?
    the answer I got from the officer was that as Wiltshire had done away with fixed speed cameras so this is the reason for speed awareness courses , why a course for doing 60 on a motorway in roadworks when all travelling in one direction yet 40 coming out of a 40 into a 30 with no one about , whats the difference??

    rant over, have to wait 3 years of insurance declarations now!! just a postcode lottery again I suppose

    Diamond Member DC's Avatar
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    I was flashed in Bristol a few years ago 38 in a 30 zone. The area wasn't residential,it appeared to be a double carriageway but there were sreetlamps and pavements,cinema and retail park.I got the opportunity of a speed awareness course and £60 fine and took it,but about a month ago my brother got a ticket near Cheddar somewhere also Avon and Somerset but he didn't get the choice,it was £100 and 3 points

    It's because we live in a low crime area. Statistics rule. If people aren't committing crime this isn't see as a victory for society it's seen as the police not hitting their arrest targets.

    Diamond Member Burbler's Avatar
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    qui custodiet ipsos custodes ?
    I only have one vice…I lie.

    Active Member Throttle_junkie's Avatar
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    I've been done 3 times and never had the chance to do a speed awareness course, each time £60 and 3 points. Have I learned my I'm just a lot more careful where and when I let rip, and bearing in mind all 3 times where like 37 in a 30 hardly flipping ghost rider hey. But I suppose if your willing to do more than what the sign says you know the consequence........ But next time I'd like to have the choice, but glad there are no speed cameras in Swindon.
    "look busy......... Jesus is watching you" !!!

    Platinum Member WR6133's Avatar
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    I prefer Wiltshire with the lack of fixed Cameras but no awareness course to places with crazy amounts of Cameras.

    I was riding around Cardiff at Christmas and the sCameras everywhere made it hell, constant stop start in traffic as people braked for the things (even when not speeding) and out of traffic constantly scanning for the dam things while checking the speedo (removing attention from the road). That was just unpleasant and unenjoyable riding,if the price of not having that stress here in Wiltshire is not being offered a course then I'm happy with that.

    Active Member Throttle_junkie's Avatar
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    But I know people who have been offered the course, that's my point.... I don't know why one would be offered and not another ???? Just seems strange, but your right about it being a hazard and a distraction
    "look busy......... Jesus is watching you" !!!

    Active Member napalm's Avatar
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    Strangely, I was talking about tthis with my other half this morning when going through the 50s on the m5 in Glos.
    She got stung in Cardiff for 34 in a 30. She was told on the course that they were more likely to offer a course to non-locals as they aim for people to be able to judge the limit based on road furniture, not just signs. 10 minutes later she predicted a 30 on an unknown road near stroud. As we rounded the corner, there were the signs. Fair play, maybe it works.
    So I guess logically if you're local you are more likely to know the roads so speeding is less likely to be a mistake and more a conscious decision.

    Platinum Member Col's Avatar
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    Crap this speeding some patronising plods and lifes moaners chance to bleat on and make themselves appear important.

    You only have to go a short distance to see the complete lunacy of all these stupid speed signs that have no bearing whatsoever to the road...none is all a cost to the taxpayer and basically a waste. In reality you can only go as slow, or as fast, as the prevailing traffic and weather conditions.

    Wow a hanging offence to hit 40 in a uninhabited 30 area...pathetic nonsense. Motorways down to 40 in the middle of the night !!!! wtf is that all about ???

    As WR6133 rightly states that cameras , and I would add those stupid flashing speed signs, are a bloody distraction more likely to cause accidents.

    All the paint on the roads..'SLOW!!!' and big signs 'BEND' must cost us a fortune.....use the cash to fill the bloody potholes.

    Another hazard are those speed bumps and humps ... in the night and you get dazzled by some twat and their led car lights then hit one it could be 'goodnight vienna'

    Speed faff is a self serving money spinner for the state and employ egotistical patronising twats to preach their blinkered tosh.

    Have a nice day
    I need amusement in my sad life and it looks, very much, like you fit this requirement admirably..............begin the amusement!!!!!

    My friend, who is ex traffic, said that it's too expensive to educate people so why not make money off of them instead.
    Although fines aren't the cash cow people think they are.
    The money is used by the various contractors and quangos to invent more ways to enforce the laws to get more money.
    The last thing they actually want is road safety because then they'd all be out of a job.

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