Two of us were riding back from West Wales on the M4, it was a sunny Monday afternoon and we'd been to visit a friend in hospital.

As it was a nice day and the road wasn't busy we were clipping on at 108mph when we say the blue light, I thought all I'd be doing for the next 6 months would be polishing my bike but the cop told us to keep it under 90 and he could see we weren't riding dangerously or being stupid so he wasn't going to book us.

We were both wearing our patches and he commented by saying "you lot are supposed to hate us, and many of us hate you, which I think is stupid because we've never met before. You 2 seem like tidy guys and I'm not a wanker so stay safe. If you were in south Wales area you'd both be banned by now just as I would be if I was speeding, those guys are wankers. You've been warned."

I bought a lottery ticket that week.