Quote Originally Posted by nelsonmf View Post
Hi Maya,
It really looks good. Just saw renting prices and they seem just a little bit higher than in swindon but the offer is much lower, so no much choice.

My main concern is that I use a lot the gym after work and if I live in basset, not sure if I want to make a 20 min trip from the gym back to home late in the evening. I'm also living alone and Basset seems a bit too quiet to meet people. I know Swindon is just 20min but it's 20min every time when wanting to go out.

Thanks, I'll keep an eye in basset too.

I think the Marriott (if you come in through Old Town) would be the nearest. If you come through West Swine town, you've got the Hilton and a bit further in simply gym, for like £20 a month. gym