
Thread: Here they come

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    Quote Originally Posted by FJ_Biker View Post

    Can't help you Swanny this was a service I did not use when I holidayed in Prague, Maybe all the Czech people are over here nicking our jobs
    If you visit again make sure you check out Goldfingers but don't take the wife with you. If Romanian women look like the girls in that club then I welcome them

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    So much for the idea of them paying taxes on their earnings here.

    How EU migrants avoid tax in UK

    Romanians and Bulgarians can work in the UK but pay taxes at home at a lower rate

    Romanians and Bulgarians coming to work can avoid paying taxes in Britain because of a loophole.

    Instead they can pay taxes at home where basic rates are much lower.

    Diamond Member
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    Allow me to offer up three points on this thread, Firstly, there are millions of UK citizens (passport holders) living/working freely in other counties in all corners of the world. It is difficult to give exact figures, (research shows conflicting stats) but many do not pay UK taxes, yet return to enjoy the benefits like free health care and schooling for their children. Secondly, not including the NHS and pensions, welfare state benefits are a spit in the ocean in terms of the drain on the public purse compared to the lost revenue from tax avoidance and more serious evasion. In the main, these are big corporations with wealthy lawyers and accountants. Thirdly, two of the most costly state benefits are working tax credit (WTC) and housing benefit. Housing benefit is paid to the landlord and not the tenant who may or may not be employed. Most of these landlords in the private sector are wealthy owners of at least more than one property. WTC is awarded to the employees of some of the richest foreign companies in the world and is paid irrespective of their profits. Is it right that we as taxpayers should subsidise the wages of companies which can afford to pay their directors footballer salaries and avoid paying UK taxes by exploiting clever avoidance schemes? We need to top looking for soft targets to blame for our current plight. The Daily Mail is a great read if you are not one of any of the following, Gay, a socialist, a republican, unemployed, under 25 years of age, single parent, black, Polish, Romanian, Bulgarian, a Muslim, a woman.
    Last edited by redken1; 05-01-14 at 09:39 PM.

    Platinum Member Trev's Avatar
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    { Trowbridge was a sh#t hole long before the poles moved in and I really hope David Cameron isn't going to base his immigration policies on what goes on in Isaacs nightclub but you could see what he says. }

    This made me laugh out loud on a Monday morning, thanks ; ))

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    Trowbridge has had a Polish population for a long time as one of the largest refugee/resettlement camps during and after the 2nd World War was in Keevil.

    I'm loving the positive racism/discrimination going on Poles are nice hard working people? What about the drug takers, thieves and occasional rapists/murderers we sometimes hear of? Oh shock horror, turns out every other nation is just a mirror of our own with a cross section of good, bad and indifferent (sadly I think the last group is the one I fall into!) this rubbish peddled goes both ways! The Daily Mirror is racist.... mainly put about by Guardian who tell us we are all racist (unless of course we read the Guardian) Anybody who believes a nation produces a particular sort of person is a fool.

    My view? low skilled workers shouldn't be admitted into this country in large numbers as they are never going to put in more than they will cost should they have several children, retire at 65, then live to 90 that is not their fault just a mathematical fact, I am not complaining as these jobs need doing so that is a price worth paying. Unfortunately whilst our home bred underclass insist it is their birth right to sit on their backsides all day at our expense purely by choice it is going to take 3 hard working Poles (say) in average jobs to pay taxes just to bring in enough to keep one family in the style they are accustomed. People are coming here to work to fill gaps that shouldn't have been there in the first place, opting out of working for a living should not be a choice.

    The only problem I have with this is people disappearing into the black economy and the huge numbers of people involved. Too many people from one place settling in another place is never good for the host country and is not nice for the original inhabitants who then feel like foreigners in the town which they were born and bred in, that doesn't make them racists.
    Damn Labour, damn the European Parliament

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    Well said

    Diamond Member
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    When will people wake up to the fact that full employment and an end to immigration will never happen in a capitalist system governed by capitalist governments (Labour and the Conservatives here in the UK)? Immigration and unemployment provides global capitalism with its “reserve army" forcing workers’ wages down which in turn increases the profits for the capitalists.

    The Financial Times (FT) wrote that globalisation means Western capital now has access to low cost labour in countries that were previously closed off to it: "That vast reserve army of low wage labour is always there in the background, the curse of over supply condemning employees to accept what they are offered."

    The capitalists talk a good talk when they say that increased profits mean higher wages for the workers, but they don’t walk the walk in reality. If that were true why is it that the gap between the rich and poor widens year on year and will continue to do so under the current system. The masses are turning to food banks in their droves whilst the number of millionaires continue to grow. Migrant workers taking up low-paid work is one of the essential pieces of the modern capitalist jigsaw.
    Last edited by redken1; 07-01-14 at 06:56 AM.

    Quote Originally Posted by Julie_S View Post
    I'm loving the positive racism/discrimination going on Poles are nice hard working people?
    That's not been said. All people have posted is a defence to the sweeping statements that THEY (never "some" or "one I know") are not welcome here and lazy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Julie_S View Post
    The Daily Mirror is racist.... mainly put about by Guardian who tell us we are all racist (unless of course we read the Guardian) Anybody who believes a nation produces a particular sort of person is a fool.
    (It's the Daily Mail on trial here. The mirror is just a sh*t left wing paper that fills it's pages with pictures as they have no decent journalists)
    Anybody who doesn't think a nation produces a particular sort of person is a fool. You cant change generations of breeding and natural selection over night. Obviously this has been reduced due to mass migration and interbreeding but the fact remains that certain cultures has a natural disposition towards certain characteristics.
    You just need to look at the world of sport to see the difference.

    Quote Originally Posted by Julie_S View Post
    is not nice for the original inhabitants who then feel like foreigners in the town which they were born and bred in, that doesn't make them racists.
    Yes it does. Pre judging someone purely based on that persons nationality is racisim.
    Again this is a natural trait in EVERY human being. Fear of the unknown predates modern civilisation and is part of our natural defence.
    Because different cultures act/look differently to our own (see earlier comment) and we don't understand it we are naturally wary.
    We all do it but in todays society it is deemed unacceptable and IS racist.
    Keep in mind that the term "Racism" is a man made definition of our natural instincts.
    I'm not saying that all racism is wrong. Sometimes we do need to listen to our instincts especially when traveling abroad.
    I just think that there a re a few people on here who don't seem to understand what racism actually means.

    Platinum Member WR6133's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wiltshire builders View Post
    Yes it does. Pre judging someone purely based on that persons nationality is racisim.
    Again this is a natural trait in EVERY human being. Fear of the unknown predates modern civilisation and is part of our natural defence.
    Because different cultures act/look differently to our own (see earlier comment) and we don't understand it we are naturally wary.
    We all do it but in todays society it is deemed unacceptable and IS racist.
    Keep in mind that the term "Racism" is a man made definition of our natural instincts.
    I'm not saying that all racism is wrong. Sometimes we do need to listen to our instincts especially when traveling abroad.
    I just think that there a re a few people on here who don't seem to understand what racism actually means.
    I don't think you understand what racism means or at least you are confusing/blurring race and nationality which are 2 very different things

    Dictionary definition of racism

    the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics, abilities, or qualities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races
    It's based on race not nationality. So having a dislike for your nations culture being eroded away by culture brought by waves of immigrants from other nations is in no way racist. It maybe culturalist (if there is even such a word/thing) but it is not racist.

    Of course the nanny state loving peons like to label any dissent based on immigration as racism due to the fact everyone is so terrified of being labelled racist they know it shuts up the dissent toward immigration policies that are present in many people.

    Active Member Birdylegs's Avatar
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    Im going charge them for english lessons how much to book the h&c on a wensday night ;-)
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