There's a lot of talk of "my country" and "my town"
What makes you think that these things belong to you exactly?

You are British by nothing more than pure luck. You didn't earn it, had to make any sacrifices or pass any tests.

Swanny, you seem to be very fond of telling us to question authority, that we are all free and equal and that we cannot be confined by the rules and regulations imposed on us by governments.

So who was it that carved up the land, forced us to be identified by the country we were born in, instills fear of people from other countries and encourages through properganda and by example, hatred of these people?

You are a hypocrite of the worst kind.
The press use stories like this to create a smoke screen for the big corporations and governments to keep your eyes away from what's really going on.
Amazon dodged paying tax on 7 Billion pounds last year, Google 2.6 billion, Apple 8 billion, British American tobacco 4.6 billion.
I know I don't need to explain to you how the media is a tool of these companies. It's their advertising that keeps them running and their "donations" that fund the political parties.
So how you can feel justified in posting these comments when you're actually playing into their hands is beyond me.

I'm not buying it.