
Thread: Support your local motorbike store

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    Active Member Long John's Avatar
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    There's good reasons to support your local bike store, but it can take away part of the fun of working on your own bike. GJB Motorcycles are highly recommended in Hanham, Bristol. However, after having a bike for the last 6 years I've yet to give them any work, apart from the MOT test. Luckily, all the work my bikes have needed I've been able to do myself, and none of the jobs have been difficult.

    However, when it comes to buying bits I couldn't agree more with WR6133, as a recent trip to Fowlers for a set of plugs for the Blackbird revealed, they asked for £89, yes, I kid you not. I tried buying them through a trade account, but didn't have any paper work, so they offered a 10% discount! big deal!

    Thankfully, I'd got a check price off the net before buying, but having never bought these plugs before I could have thought, they're expensive at least I can save a few quid by fitting them myself? Bought them via the net for £36 including carriage, this may be one reason why people are choosing to avoid the local bike shop.

    Chatterbox Jon_W's Avatar
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    Spoke to GMS just after they altered. This was the long term plan, the previous incarnation being a tempory arrangement to allow them to orgonise the stock. They have said that they have struggled but are trying to promote the online side with a view to downsizing to a store with a collection counter if needs must.

    The independents are getting hard pressed and do need some support. Lets hope things pick up soon for all of them.
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    Platinum Member Col's Avatar
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    Pretty much always used to use Missens or Taylors in 'Nam for stuff but now they have gone I am a 'bit lost' for popping out to get 'somat' but have used Stevens especially for fixings although these modern times I find bits on tinterweb if needed.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Long John View Post
    There's good reasons to support your local bike store, but it can take away part of the fun of working on your own bike......
    You maybe dont realise but Stevens in Trowbridge dont repair bikes.

    Senior Member
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    I think the writing is on the wall for places like Stevens, surprised they have kept going for so long really.

    It must be almost impossible making a decent living selling the few bits and pieces they do.

    They have a shrinking market and just aren't changing with the times.

    I have nipped in there a few times for odd bits and yes they are really nice there (well all but one who's mood is variable) but for anything major its Fowlers or online for me.

    Senior Member Loops's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jon_W View Post
    promote the online side with a view to downsizing to a store with a collection counter if needs must.
    that sounds like quite a good plan... hopefully lower costs for them, but still a store you can collect from, get some advice etc - that bit I really appreciate when I pop in for stuff.
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    Platinum Member Trev's Avatar
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    I use my local guy who I know and trust for all repairs/servicing that I'm not able to do (or can't be bothered to try) and, if the price is somewhere close, also for the odd bits and pieces. For example, he charges 15 - 20% more for plugs than I can get them on line but I tend to use him as a) usually has them in stock, b) gives good advise on maybe up or down a grade depending on the bike/my requirement c) he has to make a living to be around to service/repair my bike
    The more you use him then the more he tends to pass on a little of his trade discount and also 'takes a view' on his hourly rate on some of the longer jobs.
    In particular I value Mark's wide practical knowledge and his willingness to pass on tips and tricks and even suggest how I might tackle a job rather than immediately turn to him. I have a few older bikes and he always questions my request to make sure it's needed. Above all his attention to detail is superb, you're literally trusting your life to these guys and after a very poor experience with a 'race trained' mechanic who forgot to tighten up a steering damper and fork yolk bolt I am only interested in taking my bike to someone I can trust even if the bill is a little higher. If you get a bit of banter and a few biker tales thrown in as well then all the better ; )
    If you're down this way try Powerlinks at Ringwood 01425 472100, I can't recommend him highly enough

    Active Member MayallRob's Avatar
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    I live in Royal Wootton Bassett (just outside Swindon), and I generally order any spare parts or accessories online, just because I don't know where my local motorbike shop is! Whenever I need to go into a store, I end up at the Mega Motorcycle Store (previously George Whites in Swindon), but they mostly deal with clothing and helmets etc.

    Is there anywhere near me worth checking out?

    Diamond Member DC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MayallRob View Post
    I live in Royal Wootton Bassett (just outside Swindon), and I generally order any spare parts or accessories online, just because I don't know where my local motorbike shop is! Whenever I need to go into a store, I end up at the Mega Motorcycle Store (previously George Whites in Swindon), but they mostly deal with clothing and helmets etc.

    Is there anywhere near me worth checking out?
    Steve Lynham in Swindon

    Active Member MayallRob's Avatar
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    I go to Steve Lynhams all the time for my MOT and any repairs that need doing (he is ALWAYS considerably cheaper than anywhere else I contact), but I wouldnt class them as a 'store', more of a repairs garage?

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