I’ve been thinking about this for a while now but postponed the post until the weekend passed.
I have got to thinking that we are being looked at as some kind of money making machine. I did the first 2 ride of respects and helped at the base of the 3rd. But it has occurred to me that this sort of event looks like becoming some kind of cash cow. Sadly, successive governments’ failings have ensured that charities are having to work harder in order to get a slice of the pie. However, it would appear that the pie is getting bigger. It would appear that “bikers” being asked to “go for a ride” to generate some cash is on the increase. Events like Ride of respect, Martha Care, Ride to the wall, Hogging the bridge and now the ring of red which it appears, will become an annual event, are increasing. Now, I understand the value of these events but are they necessary? The ring of red at the weekend saw up to 15000 bikes going around in a circle on the M25. Not something I wanted to do to be honest. That’s a personal choice. I can think of lots of better ways to spend a Sunday. This event was Bourne out of respecting the fallen, Surely that’s what remembrance Sunday is for?
I’m not trying to court controversy here but wanted to see what your feelings are about them. Are we being “taken for a ride”?
Before any of you go off on one about me being selfish etc etc I want to point out that I have a charitable nature. I am the first to dig in my pockets. It just seems to me that when someone wants some cash these days, they turn to the good ol’ British Biker?