
Thread: Driver blocks me from filtering

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    Quote Originally Posted by redken1 View Post
    Perhaps some of the judgements based on a very short video clip, which does not show the driver’s face are a tad unfair? It has happened to me - I just laugh it off and blast past with a twist of the wrist when the opportunity presents itself further down the road.
    Obviously we weren't there and you're right that it's difficult to make a judgment on such a short clip.
    What does stand out is his attitude toward riding, other road users and the situation.

    Platinum Member Trev's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nelsonmf View Post
    Yeah that was me

    I've been blocked inadvertently before, I can see the difference and this never happened. Anyway, your quote seems a little bit off. Calm down.
    Apologies, I thought the words 'very silly' were pretty calm but I'll tone it down a level next time. Yup good advice on the calm down front, thanks

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    Doesn't look malicious to me, he is on his side of the road? Even if it is KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON. He even moves back for you when you trying to get by? I wouldn't like to upset you ha ha !!
    Counting down until my next ride out!

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    Push comes to shove a road user is entitled to the whole of the lane they are in. No one is going to expect an 'overtake' from the left of them, particulary if they are an older slower nervous driver (that car alone should be enough to say 'ditherer') or a youngsters on the phone texting whilst whizzing from MacDonalds to McDonalds (not stereotypes, just examples people) Think you'd be on a bit of a sticky wicket legally trying to apportion blame him if he had hit you.

    Think we saw you coming out of Salisbury on the Devizes Road on saturday, black street triple with helmet mounted camera? wouldn't have seen us as we were in a diesel MG
    Last edited by Julie_S; 05-11-13 at 09:25 PM. Reason: bad English!

    Chatterbox Jon_W's Avatar
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    Happens all the time. Just wait and overtake as soon as it's safe.

    I find riding a scruffy old bike seems to reduce this...
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    Active Member Birdylegs's Avatar
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    I got a skull sticker on the front wearing a army hat no jaw bone and a bullet coming out from him being shot that might be why drivers avoid contact with me a skull and crossbones say more then words
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    Active Member nelsonmf's Avatar
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    As I said before, thanks to all for the comments (all of them). It really made me look to the situation differently. Next time I will not do the same for sure. My safety is first and that was dumb forcing my way, whether I am right or not. But I'll keep cursing, can't help it, it's not in English and I'm the only one that can hear anyway

    Rabb, where you today in salisbury parking the bike in Nero cafe with other biker? Do you wear an army colour jacket?

    Julie S, yes, that was me for sure. Next time beep or do lights signaling or just wave On that saturday a guy from his car gave me a thumbs up. Probably a biker.
    Last edited by nelsonmf; 16-11-13 at 06:54 PM.

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    Being able to take stock and assess oneself and ones actions is a massive thing to be able to do, life is a journey and so should be seen as a constant learning curve. Well done on re-thinking it! We all have days when we push through or overtake without assessing properly.
    Last edited by Mal103; 16-11-13 at 06:53 PM.

    Platinum Member Conehead's Avatar
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    I have been reluctant to comment on this post till now as I know it will be looked on in a bad light.

    Firstly I live 2 mins away from where this happened and the lane that the car driver was in is dedicated to going straight on or turning right around the roundabout. I hate this junction as every person and their family think that they can go into the right lane and force their way into traffic going left which in this case goes from one lane back into 2 (Check google maps). I have had many a complaint with idiots on the road that fully believe they are entitled to turn left from the right lane but the marking and signage clearly states the opposite.

    Secondly, I am not condoning what nelsonmf has done as it was dangerous but I think he uses this junction alot as well and it is just frustrating.

    I have even seen emergency personel including police do it the wrong way and have had words with them at the next traffic lights where they have told me I am incorrect where I have always offered to go back to the junction with them stating they could fine me if I was wrong but surprisingly enough they dont take me up on the offer. The worst reply I had was from an ambulance driver (not on call) stating that I should **** off.

    I am not looking for a slanging match on this just wanted to give my opinion on this junction. Ride safe and dont always believe people will do as instructed.
    When it's your time to go it's your time, so don't let it catch you.

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    Agree that some roundabouts are badly signed in Salisbury, especially that one, there is a dodgy one going in the other direction where you have to get in the right hand lane to continue on the A36.

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