Hello everyone.
New to riding and bikes. Passed my CBT about 6 weeks ago and have put about 350 miles down on my 125. I live in Tidworth so can usually beseen stalling and sliding around that area (naa I’m not that terrible….. but almost). Welsh by birth, in Wiltshire as it seemed to much work to move back to Wales after I left the Army, also the area is pretty nice.
Thought I’d join here to see what’s occurring in Wiltshire.
My current bike is a 6 year old Jinlun 125-11. I know it’s a Chinese knock off but it was cheaper than decent dental work, keeping it going is teaching me a lot about mechanics (and correct application of cable ties and Loctite), parts are plentiful and cheap and insurance is super cheap. One day when finances allow I want to get my DAS done and cruise around on a proper cruiser, but till then this has to do.
Tacked on a photo of my pride and joy/shed on wheels