Thanks to Dave for sorting out these little niggles!

It may be an opportunity to explain why we made the change in the first place to those who don't know. Our old software was great, but unsupported and due to be dropped by the development team. This meant we were getting 500+ spammers clogging the system up daily which meant us admins we're spending literally hours each week removing them. On top of that there was little opportunity to back up the forums properly, so we were at risk.

We chose to move to the current forum software because its the most popular forum software in the world, fully supported by a support and development team, and allows lots of modern features and security.

I likely the current moans to Facebook - remember when everyone was going to stop using it because they hates the new news feed? 99% of people will have forgotten that, even though it was only 5 months ago. People hate change but in most cases, change is for the better

Bear with it