Hi. Im TrikerPete from down on the South Coast of Hampshire UK. First found out about this site from "Amante271" (Hi Andy) via some radio station I was listening to while staying at Slimbridge Gloucester last week. I build my own trikes and currently have a 1600 VW which just happens to be for sale, need the cash to fund my next Trike project. Im getting along in years and my body is showing it, but I still have the mind of a youngster Ive got 2 artificial hips, awaiting a knee replacement, osteoarthritis in most joints so hardtails are out for me : My good lady wife, Chrissie, enjoys our outings on the Trikes as does Emily my stepdaughter, nearly 26 and moans at me when I say the next trike is going to be just a 2 seater ;D
You all take care out there, Watch out for those loonies on the roads : ;D