Yes!! She IS mad (ask about overtaking on Snow Hill near Goatacre)

I have to say guys there is nothing wrong with my overtaking... lol It was perfecly safe and a total buzz to overtake 4 cars flat out @ 75 MPH!!!!

As you can imagine a little 124.9 (as my freinds up norrth say) being riden flat out for most of the 21,500 odd miles i put on the clock in the last 20 months, you can prob work out why Hulk - YBR decided to give me the v's lol...

She has been a fantastic bike and got the best write up in RIDE mag for being the best 125....

So the time has come:- I got a need a need for Power.....

I'll be able to overtake more cars then hehe...

Ride safe Ride free..

BC x