Quote Originally Posted by Gav
Well its that time of year again, so for those of you with little experiance or just come back to riding after a break...

Now they have started to grit the roads, you will find there is less grip than there was before they grit...(the salt in the grit brings the oils to the surface of the tarmac)

So with this in mind anyone riding for the next few weeks will find more grip off the normal riding line, cars and 4wheeled things clear a line of grit where the tyres go, and sweep the rest into the centre of the lane...

So stay to the left or right of the lane and you will have more grip....might just save your ass ya know.
Gav,as far as staying to the left or right of the lane,thats where you should be anyway depending on which way the corner goes......On the far left for right-handers and a foot inside the white line for left-handers and straights (of course,ther'es much more to it than that...) Maybe you need to come out with me yourself mate!! :-[