Question for the gadget geeks out there.

I have been doing some research on t'interweb on sports cams. As I see it there are three types, namely an all inclusive camera with everything built in, ie memory card, mic etc etc, a camera that mounts to bike with a seperate purpose built recorder(I think that is the set up Ro has) or a camera that mounts onto the bike that can be plugged into a video camera which records the footage.

I'm undecided which is the best option. I already own a video camera and I have a 12v power outlet on the bike. I also currently have a tinted screen so mounting the camera on the handlebars is not really an option.

Obviously the cameras are of differing quality and cost and I don't really want to spend to much on one if I do decide to take the plunge.

Any tips, suggestions, pitfalls, techie stuff etc etc would be gratefully received.